Lehrplan 21: Übersichten
Voices 1
Voices 2
Voices 3
Voices basic 1
Voices basic 2
Voices basic 3
Voices words
With the Vocab Trainer you can learn and practise the Voices vocabulary from the Course Book and the Topic Files on your computer (requires Adobe Flash).
The vocabulary of the Topic Files has not yet been recorded.
Cards are the classical way of learning vocabulary wherever you are: on trains, in the dentist’s waiting room, in bed before going to sleep. There is a set of paper lexicards for each volume of Voices. They show the German headword together with a sample sentence on the front and the English translation on the back. Lexicards Voices 1-3 are available in our Webshop.
With Quizlet you can learn vocabulary easily on your computer or on your mobile phone (apps for iOS and Android available).